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Susanna adores holding women through their life transitions, and helping them to honour their cyclical lives. She is a Red School Mentor and holds workshops in menstrual cycle awareness, menarche and menopause. She has a 1-1 practice in her beautiful garden cabin, HeartSpace in mid-Staffordshire, where she offers intuitive coaching and menstrual medicine circles. She loves gathering women together in circles, to retreat, find sanctuary and drop their bundles.. As she slowly walks through the Menopause transition, her greatest allie is ‘rest’....You’ll find her yoga nidra offerings sprinkled through the year! 


“As I ease away from my menstrual cycling years, I am sensing the hand-over of care to the lunar rhythm. I love the practice of checking-in with who I am landing into the world as each day. I feel more at peace with myself and who I am than ever before and am grateful for cyclical wisdom for guiding me through this huge transition.’ Susanna


Susanna Guest

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