Welcome Wild Wisdomers to the fifth month of our journal. We are so pleased that you have decided to join us and journey along with us throughout the seasonal flow of the year.
As you use your journal, you'll find monthly seasonal offerings which you can access by following the link in the journal. April's is below! You may also like to sign up to our newsletter at the top of the page to make sure you don't miss out on the latest news, offers and extra offerings. We also have a lovely Facebook Community that you are invited to join.
May Offering
As the land warms, we begin to notice new life returning.
If you can, you may like to pause cutting your grass this month, embracing 'No Mow May'.
No Mow May is Plantlife’s annual campaign calling all 15 million garden owners in the UK not to mow during May, liberating their lawns and providing a space for nature, letting the wildflowers in their lawns bloom, providing a feast for nectar-hungry bees, butterflies and more.
This month we celebrate Beltane - the spring fertility festival, welcoming the period of growth to come. On 1st May we celebrate the Gaelic festival of May Day. It is roughly half way between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. This is the real mid-point in the seasons and we are well and truly in Spring. Here are some lovely suggestions on how you can seek out pleasure in the season and step into your light.
Beltane is a time when we can feel the evidence of the lengthening days . We can feel the warming of the Earth and can witness the rising energy of nature all around.
All around us nature is bursting into life & colour, as she re-emerges anew, full of possibility.
This is a time to be in 'awe' - to wonder at just how beautiful nature is. It’s a time of joy and passion. Of new life as we witness the fertility present in nature: from new shoots emerging, our gardens blossoming with colour and the sound of the bees beginning to emerge from their winter slumber. Nature, in her infinite wisdom, is showing us how to come back.
Find your Pleasure!
Now is the perfect time to indulge in pleasure. Our sexual energy is a creative force that atunes with the power of nature.
Connecting with our own sexuality helps us to connect with the part of us that creates things.
Have sex with a partner or alone! Enjoy = be in joy!
What fills your pleasure pot?
How would you like to play and have fun?
Liz and Susanna's Spring read
Look out of your window, walk down a country path or go to the beach in Great Britain, and you are sure to see many wild species that you can take home and eat. From dandelions in spring to sloe berries in autumn, via wild garlic, samphire, chanterelles and even grasshoppers, our countryside is full of edible delights in any season.
John Wright is the country's foremost expert in foraging and brings decades of experience, including as forager at the River Cottage, to this seasonal guide. Month by month, he shows us what species can be found and where, how to identify them, and how to store, use and cook them. You'll learn the stories behind the Latin names, the best way to tap a Birch tree, and how to fry an ant, make rosehip syrup and cook a hop omelette.
Fully illustrated throughout, with tips on kit, conservation advice and what to avoid, this is an indispensable guide for everyone interested in wild food, whether you want to explore the great outdoors, or are happiest foraging from your armchair.
With love,
Liz & Susanna