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  • lizberwick1980

March 2023

Updated: Dec 19, 2023

Welcome Wild Wisdomers to the third month of our journal. We are so pleased that you have decided to join us and journey along with us throughout the seasonal flow of the year.

As you use your journal, you'll find monthly seasonal offerings which you can access by following the link in the journal. March's is below! You may also like to sign up to our newsletter at the top of the page to make sure you don't miss out on the latest news, offers and extra offerings. We also have a lovely Facebook Community that you are invited to join. We are hoping to expand our offerings during the coming year. Watch this space. And make sure you check in each month for your seasonal offering, or click the button below to receive the offering direct in your inbox.

March Offering

Spring is a time of growth and renewal, to celebrate new life and new beginnings. Things are beginning to shift in us – our energy, habits, returning to balance. The seasonal energy is stirring us from slumber. We are called to awake anew, fresh from our winter hibernation, and to begin to walk forward into the year.

It’s a time to lay the ground work, dream in the new and plant seeds. Collecting ideas and reflecting on possible paths, planning and deciding…but not taking action.

Each and every day the light is returning. Some feel that Spring is more of a ‘start of the year’ than January, as we now have the energy of the earth with us.

At this point, as we approach the Spring Equinox we can find the urge to spring clean and begin new habits as our energy can feel like it is returning. However, there is no rush, we are only just wakening up. If we imagine the whole seasonal year was the equivalent of a day - a 24hr period, then mid March would be the equivalent of 6-8am. So, we are taking waking moments, slowly landing and staying slow.

It’s also a great time to pause and feel into where you are, like placing a marker on a map. You can look back to what was moving through you at the time of Winter Solstice and see where you are now.


We invite you to take out your Wild Wisdom Journal on the seasonal pages, or your notebook, or indeed the back of an old envelope (or use the notes feature of your phone) and ponder the following journal prompts...

Here are some prompts to help you feel into:

  • What has landed for you over Winter?

  • How are you feeling the need for balance?

  • What are you wanting to grow in the year ahead? Dream big!

  • Where does your spirit need nurturing as you grow forwards?


Spring Equinox is point of perfect balance on the journey through the Wheel of the Year. Night and day are of equal length and in perfect equilibrium – dark and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer, all in balance.

Why not set up a Spring altar in readiness for the equinox.

Find more Spring Equinox rituals and Ostara traditions here


Here is a delicious seasonal recipe from Liz for you to celebrate the season with.

Our Spring plant is the dandelion. The humble dandelion is one of the first plants to appear at the start of spring.

You may well start to see appeals over social media not to pull your weeds in early spring to help the newly emerging bees find nectar in these scarce months. As spring hits her stride, dandelions seem to pop up everywhere. It really is a survivor of a plant and can grow almost anywhere- popping up in lawns, between cracks in paving, in full sun or darkest shade. I too, used to find it a pesky weed and would dig it out at any opportunity and cringe when the kids would blow dandelion clocks over my flower beds. I have now come to love it.

Liz and Susanna's Spring read

I am inhaling Second Spring. I've read it cover to cover over a long weekend, battened down from storm, and it's blooming brilliant! It feels like a warm hug from a trusty friend, or big sister, who has walked this path ahead of me and is sharing the wisdom. I just love the tone it sets, and such good humour - I've found myself laughing out loud often and reading bits to my partner. It's helping me make sense of the phases of the perimenopause transition in a way I haven't grasped before, it really puts flesh on the bones and offers a very real, practical, nourishing way forward in a no messing kind of way. - Susanna

With love,

Liz & Susanna


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