Welcome Wild Wisdomers! Can you believe that we're half way through our journal. We are so pleased that you have continued to join us and journey along with us throughout the seasonal flow of the year.
June Offering
Now is a great time to connect with midsummer vibes and nature's fullness. Why not add to your seasonal altar in readiness for the summer solstice.
Summer solstice - 21st June
Traditionally, the summer solstice fell between the planting and harvesting of crops, leaving the people who worked on the land with a time of repose. This is why June became the traditional month for weddings. Over the centuries, the June solstice has inspired many festivals and midsummer celebrations all over the world. From the Ancient Egyptians using this as a time to worship of their Sun God Ra, to the Christian celebration of baptisms on St John's Day . Even now, many towns and villages still celebrate with village fetes, maypole dancing, bonfires and picnics. And of course, most of us are aware of the crowds who gather at Stonehenge too, to honour this ancient ritual.
'Midsummer was seen as a time when the normal laws of nature of divinity could be suspended, when spirits and fairies could contact humans , when humans could exceed the usual limitations of their world.' - Ronald Hutton, Professor of History at the University of Bristol
Some journal prompts for you to ponder
Feel free to record these in your Wild Wisdom Journal in the seasonal section
Pause for a second and acknowledge that fierce fire inside of you. She often doesn’t get the acknowledgement she deserves. Celebrate yourself!
What would change about your life if you just let that go? What growth would that clear space for?
What accomplishments have you completed that you feel really proud of?
Fire Ritual
Summer is the ideal time to invite that fire energy into our lives – use that fierce fire to burn away the things you’re resistant to letting go of.
Take a moment and literally draw in some fierce summer fire energy to fuel the forest fire about to rage through your life.
Seriously. Pause right here and take 5 deep, belly breaths. Feel the fire entering your spirit with each breath.
• Now, what do you want that fire to blaze through? What is no longer serving you that you are ready to burn down?
• What does your life look life after you burn down all the debris? What does your life feel like with the illness scorched out? What rich new life is going to take root? What will now grow stronger and more powerful with all the riffraff burned away?
Liz and Susanna's Summer read
The go-to guide for exploring nature at night, whether on summer holidays, weekends away or even back garden adventures!
Learn how to call for owls, walk like a fox and expand your sensory perceptions. Wild Nights Out is a wonderful new hands-on guide for those who wish to take kids (of all ages) outdoors for fun, thrilling nighttime nature adventures.
Nature has so much to offer at night, so let Wild Nights Out be your guide to the dark. It will boost the resilience and self-confidence of children and adults, and instil a lifelong love of having fun in the outdoors when the sun goes down.
With love,
Liz & Susanna
P.S. If you've not already, you may also like to grab a copy of our journal for you or a friend, the last few copies of which are on special offer. You can also sign up to our newsletter at the top of the page to make sure you don't miss out on the latest news, offers and extra offerings. We also have a lovely Facebook Community that you are invited to join.